In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Data Warehousing (CS614)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. __________ is an application of information and data.

    1. Knowledge
    2. Intelligence
    3. Power
    4. Education
  2. Naturally Evolving architecture occurred when an organization had a _______ approach to handling the whole process of hardware and software architecture.

    1. Relaxed
    2. Good
    3. Not Relaxed
    4. None of the given
  3. Taken jointly, the extract programs or naturally evolving systems formed a spider web, also known as

    1. Distributed Systems Architecture
    2. Legacy Systems Architecture
    3. Online Systems Architecture
    4. Intranet Systems Architecture
  4. The need to synchronize data upon update is called

    1. Data Imitation
    2. Data Manipulation
    3. Data Replication
    4. Data Coherency
  5. The growth of master files and magnetic tapes exploded around the mid- _______.

    1. 1950s
    2. 1960s
    3. 1970s
    4. 1980s
  6. A single database, couldn’t serve both operational high performance transaction processing and DSS, analytical processing, all at the same time.

    1. True
    2. False
  7. It is observed that every year the amount of data recorded in an organization ________.

    1. Doubles
    2. Remains same as previous year
    3. Triples
    4. Quartiles
  8. The users of data warehouse are knowledge workers in other words they are _________ in the organization.

    1. DWH Analyst
    2. Decision maker
    3. Database Administrator
    4. Manager
  9. In _________ system, the contents change with time.

    1. OLTP
    2. ATM
    3. DSS
    4. OLAP
  10. Ad-hoc access means to run such queries which are known already.

    1. true
    2. false
  11. Suppose the amount of data recorded in an organization is doubled every year. This increase is __________.

    1. Linear
    2. Quadratic
    3. Exponential
    4. Logarithmic
  12. __________ gives total view of an organization.

    1. OLAP
    2. OLTP
    3. Data Warehouse
    4. Database
  13. Relational databases allow you to navigate the data in ____________ that is appropriate using the primary, foreign key structure within the data model.

    1. Only One Direction
    2. Any Direction
    3. Two Direction
    4. None of the given
  14. The input to the data warehouse can come from OLTP or transactional system but not from other third party database.

    1. true
    2. false
  15. Node of a B-Tree is stored in memory block and traversing a B-Tree involves ________ page faults.

    1. O (n lg n)
    2. O (lg n)
    3. O (n)
    4. O (n2)
  16. Data Warehouse is about taking/collecting data from different ________ sources.

    1. Harmonized
    2. Identical
    3. Homogeneous
    4. Heterogeneous
  17. B-Tree is used as an index to provide access to records __________

    1. Without scanning the entire table
    2. By scanning the entire meta data
    3. By scanning the entire table
    4. None of the given
  18. Data warehousing and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) are _______ elements of decision support system.

    1. Unusual
    2. Essential
    3. Optional
    4. None of the given
  19. Data Warehouse provides the best support for analysis while OLAP carries out the _________ task.

    1. Mandatory
    2. Whole
    3. Analysis
    4. Prediction
  20. Analytical processing uses __________ , instead of record level access.

    1. multi-level aggregates
    2. Single-level aggregates
    3. Single-level hierarchy
    4. None of the Given
  21. In a traditional MIS system, there is an almost linear sequence of queries.

    1. true
    2. false
  22. DOLAP allows download of "cube" structures to a desktop platform with the need for shared relational or cube server.

    1. true
    2. false
  23. Slice and Dice is changing the view of the data.

    1. true
    2. false
  24. The performance in a MOLAP cube comes from the O(1) look-up time for the array data structure.

    1. true
    2. false
  25. The divide&conquer cube partitioning approach helps alleviate the __________ limitations of MOLAP implementation.

    1. Flexibility
    2. Maintainability
    3. Security
    4. Scalability
  26. Multi-dimensional databases (MDDs) typically use ___________ formats to store pre-summarized cube structures.

    1. SQL
    2. proprietary file
    3. Object oriented
    4. Non- proprietary file
  27. Virtual cube is used to query two similar cubes by creating a third "virtual" cube by a join between two cubes.

    1. true
    2. false
  28. Cube is a ________ entity containing values of a certain fact at a certain aggregation level at an intersection of a combination of dimensions.

    1. Logical
    2. Physical
    3. Analytical
    4. None of the given
  29. The goal of star schema design is to simplify ________.

    1. Logical data model
    2. Physical data model
    3. Conceptual data model
    4. None of the given