In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Bioinformatics II (BIF501)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. ________ is encrypted sets of numbers that reflect a person's DNA makeup.

    1. DNA fingerprints
    2. DNA profile
    3. cDNA
    4. DNA sequence reads
  2. What is meant by ADME in pharmacokinetics?

    1. Affinity, dosage, marketing, efficacy
    2. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
    3. Agonism, dependence, mobility, efficiency
    4. Antagonism, deficiency, mean, efflux
  3. ________ is a process of organizing objects into groups whose members are similar in some way.

    1. Classification
    2. Clustering
    3. Grouping
    4. Stacking
  4. Polymerase Chain Reaction is a

    1. DNA degradation technique
    2. DNA amplification technique
    3. DNA sequencing technique
    4. DNA sampling technique
  5. ________ breaks cell membrane and nuclear envelope causing cells to burst open and release DNA.

    1. Lysis Solution
    2. Nuclease
    3. Protease
    4. Restriction enzymes
  6. Mass spectrometry is used to sequence ________ length proteins.

    1. Smaller
    2. Larger
    3. Medium
    4. All of the given
  7. In homology modeling fewer than ________ of the predicted first hits are true remoted homologues.

    1. 10%
    2. 20%
    3. 30%
    4. 40%
  8. CAT is repeated continuously ________ times in a row.

    1. 12 to 14
    2. 15 to 17
    3. 18 to 20
    4. 21 to 23
  9. An association rule has ________ parts.

    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five
  10. Lysis Solution removes the ________ proteins from the DNA.

    1. Polymerase
    2. Histone
    3. Helicase
    4. Nuclease
  11. A forensic scientist will need at least ________ pieces of DNA to be compared.

    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five
  12. Which tool is used for threading ________.

    1. Modeller
    2. LOMETS
    3. ECEPPAK
    4. iTasser
  13. How many reads are required to map at 1 RPKM with a transcript of 2Kb length from a total of 40 Million Mapped reads?

    1. 60
    2. 70
    3. 80
    4. 90
  14. Protein core is ________.

    1. Hydrophobic
    2. Hydrophilic
    3. Amphipathic
    4. Non-Amphipathic
  15. In 3D-1D Bowie Algorithm there are ________ distinct states (1D profiles) for 20 amino acid.

    1. 120
    2. 240
    3. 360
    4. 480
  16. In PCR the DNA sample is heated to ________ separate the thread.

    1. 90 degrees
    2. 91 degrees
    3. 92 degrees
    4. 93 degrees
  17. iTasser input is ________.

    1. Sequence of DNA
    2. Sequence of RNA
    3. Sequence of Amino Acid
    4. Genome Sequence
  18. All human share ________ percentage of their DNA sequence.

    1. 50.8
    2. 70.3
    3. 85.9
    4. 99.9
  19. The length of DNA in a cell is ________.

    1. One meter
    2. Two meters
    3. Three meters
    4. Four meters
  20. Machine learning is used when

    1. Human expertise exists
    2. Humans can explain their expertise like speech recognition
    3. Problem solution changes in time
    4. Problem solution is fixed
  21. ________ replicate a small amount of DNA to create a larger sample for analysis.

    1. Polymerase chain Reaction (PCR)
    2. Gel Electrophoresis
    3. Flow cytometry
    4. Mass Spectrometry
  22. How much percentage of DNA sequence is unique enough to differentiate two humans.

    1. 0.001
    2. 0.01
    3. 0.1
    4. 1.0
  23. If you want to create a fingerprint, you might look at ________ different STRs at different places to create a profile.

    1. 10
    2. 20
    3. 30
    4. 40
  24. Neural network is an interconnectrd web of ________.

    1. Networks
    2. Neuron
    3. Nodes
    4. Edges
  25. How genes affect persons response to drug is study in ________.

    1. Drug discovery
    2. Pharmacogenetics
    3. Pharmacogenomics
    4. Pharmacophore modeling