In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Analytical Chemistry & Instrumentation (CHE301)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. Amplitude (A) of the sinusoidal wave is defined as the length of the ________ vector at the maximum in the wave.

    1. Electrical
    2. magnetic
    3. mechanical
    4. None of the given
  2. which of the following is example of cation exchange Sorbents?

    1. Benzenesulfonic acid
    2. Carboxylic acid
    3. Carboxylic acid
    4. Both A and B
  3. ________ of the sinusoidal wave is defined as the length of the electrical vector at the maximum in the wave.

    1. wavelength
    2. Amplitude
    3. frequency
    4. intensity
  4. Chromophores color-bearing functional group exhibits a characteristic absorption spectrum in the ________?

    1. UV / Vis region
    2. IR region
    3. Radio wave region
    4. micro wave region
  5. ________ Transition occurs in alkenes, carbonyl, azo compounds and alkynes.

    1. pi to pi*
    2. n to pi*
    3. n to s*
    4. None of the given
  6. Lymen series lies in ________ range.

    1. Visible
    2. Ultra Violet
    3. IR region
    4. None of the given
  7. what is Epsilon in Beer Lambert Law?

    1. Transmittance
    2. Molar absorptivity
    3. Path length
    4. Analyte concentration
  8. n to s* Transition occurs in O, N, S and ________?

    1. halogen compounds
    2. alkynes
    3. carbonyls
    4. azo compound
  9. C6H13CH=CH2 is example of ________?

    1. alkaline
    2. alkyne
    3. alkene
    4. alkane
  10. Transition metals are coloured because of d-d transitions while organic molecules are coloured because of ________.

    1. Conjugation
    2. pi---d transitions
    3. sigma to sigma transition
    4. sigma to pi transition