In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Analytical Chemistry & Instrumentation (CHE301)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Objective Questions

  1. which of the following is example of cation exchange Sorbents?

    1. Benzenesulfonic acid
    2. Carboxylic acid
    3. Carboxylic acid
    4. Both A and B
  2. ________ Transition occurs in alkenes, carbonyl, azo compounds and alkynes.

    1. pi to pi*
    2. n to pi*
    3. n to s*
    4. None of the given
  3. what is Epsilon in Beer Lambert Law?

    1. Transmittance
    2. Molar absorptivity
    3. Path length
    4. Analyte concentration
  4. Transition metals are coloured because of d-d transitions while organic molecules are coloured because of ________.

    1. Conjugation
    2. pi---d transitions
    3. sigma to sigma transition
    4. sigma to pi transition
  5. Amplitude (A) of the sinusoidal wave is defined as the length of the ________ vector at the maximum in the wave.

    1. Electrical
    2. magnetic
    3. mechanical
    4. None of the given
  6. n to s* Transition occurs in O, N, S and ________?

    1. halogen compounds
    2. alkynes
    3. carbonyls
    4. azo compound
  7. Lymen series lies in ________ range.

    1. Visible
    2. Ultra Violet
    3. IR region
    4. None of the given
  8. C6H13CH=CH2 is example of ________?

    1. alkaline
    2. alkyne
    3. alkene
    4. alkane
  9. Chromophores color-bearing functional group exhibits a characteristic absorption spectrum in the ________?

    1. UV / Vis region
    2. IR region
    3. Radio wave region
    4. micro wave region
  10. ________ of the sinusoidal wave is defined as the length of the electrical vector at the maximum in the wave.

    1. wavelength
    2. Amplitude
    3. frequency
    4. intensity