In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 3 (Antonyms)


    1. liberal
    2. dishonorable
    3. honorable
    4. conservative
    5. leathery
    (A. liberal) Hidebound means narrow-minded. Choice A liberal means openminded.

    1. Immersive
    2. Orderly
    3. Hectic
    4. Nervous
    5. Embarrasing
    (B. Orderly) Chaotic is a negative word that means in a state of complete confusion or disorder. Orderly is the positive word that is the best opposite.

    1. grounded
    2. raised
    3. excited
    4. subterranean
    5. moody
    (D. subterranean.) Elevated means above the ground. Choice A grounded means connected to the earth. Choice D subterranean means beneath the surface.

    1. inconsequential
    2. nonnative
    3. extraterrestrial
    4. affluent
    5. compliant
    (D. affluent) Indigent means needy, poor. Choice D affluent means rich, wealthy, or prosperous. Choice E compliant means obliging.

    1. ailing
    2. hospitalized
    3. robust
    4. recovering
    5. firm
    (C. robust.) Infirm means weak, especially from illness or old age. Choice C robust means very healthy.

    1. resplendent
    2. lackluster
    3. enervated
    4. impaled
    5. impervious
    (A. resplendent) Pallid means drab or colorless. Choice A resplendent means bright or brilliant. Choice B lackluster means drab or colorless. Choice C enervated means frail or feeble. Choice D impaled means pierced. Choice E impervious means impenetrable.

    1. acrid
    2. piquant
    3. harmonious
    4. untenable
    5. insipid
    (E. insipid) Pungent means sharply affecting the organs of taste, or a strong sour or bitter taste. Choice E insipid means tasteless. Choices A and B are synonyms of pungent. Choice D untenable means implausible or unreasonable.

    1. harshly astringent
    2. axiomatic
    3. quietly reclusive
    4. parched
    5. highly spiced
    (D. parched) Succulent means full of juice, juicy. Choice D parched means dried out. Choice B axiomatic means self-evident.

    1. inflexible
    2. manifest
    3. reputable
    4. wolflike
    5. gloomy
    (C. reputable) Louche means shady, disreputable. Choice B manifest means evident. Choice C reputable means having a good reputation.

    1. lucid
    2. ministerial
    3. wise
    4. graceful
    5. inarticulate
    (E. inarticulate.) Eloquent means articulate. Choice A lucid means clear. Choice B ministerial pertains to a minister. Choice E inarticulate means not eloquent.

    1. calm
    2. reason
    3. whisper
    4. intensify
    5. lead
    (D. intensify.) Moderate means to make less intense. Choice D intensify means to make more intense.
  12. NOVEL

    1. fictional
    2. poetic
    3. ordinary
    4. narrative
    5. peerless
    (C. ordinary) Novel means new or unique. Fictional means made up or fabricated. Poetic means elegant or musical. Ordinary means common or everyday. Narrative means related to a story. Peerless means unique.
  13. EXHUME

    1. expel
    2. exit
    3. infer
    4. refer
    5. inter
    (E. inter) Exhume means to remove from the grave. Expel means to force out, eject. Exit means to depart. Infer means to conclude or deduce. Refer means to relate. Inter means to bury a dead body.
  14. BOMB

    1. inception
    2. task
    3. divot
    4. storm
    5. hit
    (E. hit) A bomb is American theater terminology for a failure, the opposite of hit.

    1. controlled by hand
    2. making fast
    3. imposing
    4. freewheeling
    5. obtuse
    (D. freewheeling) The adjective puritanic means excessively strict in morals. The most nearly opposite choice here is choice D freewheeling. Choice E obtuse means dull-witted, dense, or ignorant.

    1. imbibition
    2. proviso
    3. fracas
    4. clarification
    5. settlement
    (E. settlement) Imbroglio means a noisy fight or a dispute. Choice E settlement is the best opposite. Choice A imbibition means to absorb ideas into the mind. Choice B proviso means something insisted on as part of an agreement, with each side giving up some of its demands. Choice C fracas is also a noisy dispute or brawl.

    1. Barren
    2. Funnel
    3. Censored
    4. Deaf
    5. Notable
    (D. Deaf) Garrulous means talking too much. Only Deaf; who cannot speak is the right answer.

    1. Creative
    2. Selfish
    3. Artistic
    4. Polite
    5. Overbearing
    (D. Polite) Bombastic is a very strong word that means boastful. Notice that it simply sounds like a strong word. The best opposite here is Polite.
  19. IRONIC

    1. literary
    2. figurative
    3. analogous
    4. mysterious
    5. literal
    (E. literal) Ironic means using words to express the opposite of their literal meaning. Choice B figurative means metaphoric, a kind of literary comparison. Choice C analogous means a resemblance between two things that are otherwise unlike. Choice E literal means exact or verbatim.

    1. eager for praise
    2. criminal
    3. with a good reputation
    4. heinous
    5. appearing often
    (C. with a good reputation) Infamous means having a bad reputation. The adjective heinous, choice D, means evil, abominable.

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3