In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Solved Examples Set 1 (Antonyms)


    1. elastic
    2. resinous
    3. resolute
    4. inflexible
    5. malleable
    (D. inflexible.) Resilient means elastic, easily regaining its original shape. Choice B resinous means composed of resins (particular kinds of particles). Choice C resolute means determined. Choice D inflexible means stiff or rigid. Choice E malleable means moldable or flexible.

    1. intercept
    2. disrupt
    3. supersede
    4. intervene
    5. question
    (B. disrupt) Intercede means to mediate, to help two sides reach an agreement. Choice A intercept means to take something away. Choice B disrupt means to push apart. Choice C supersede means to replace or overrule. Choice D intervene means to intercede.

    1. inconsequential
    2. nonnative
    3. extraterrestrial
    4. affluent
    5. compliant
    (D. affluent) Indigent means needy, poor. Choice D affluent means rich, wealthy, or prosperous. Choice E compliant means obliging.
  4. DOWDY

    1. slovenly
    2. out of date
    3. stylish
    4. above average
    5. seasonal
    (C. stylish) Dowdy means drab or out of date. Choice A slovenly means untidy.

    1. Creative
    2. Selfish
    3. Artistic
    4. Polite
    5. Overbearing
    (D. Polite) Bombastic is a very strong word that means boastful. Notice that it simply sounds like a strong word. The best opposite here is Polite.

    1. an unfortified place
    2. patriotism
    3. drollery
    4. merrymaking
    5. nonchalance
    (E. nonchalance) Fervor means zeal or warmth of feeling, and choice E nonchalance is cool indifference. Choice C drollery is something amusing.
  7. INANE

    1. foolish
    2. serious
    3. mature
    4. nameless
    5. contrary
    (B. serious.) Inane means silly or empty. Choice B serious means important or solemn.

    1. fetters
    2. repose
    3. smear
    4. illumination
    5. remainder
    (B. repose) The noun travail means toil, hard labor; its opposite here is repose, which means to rest.

    1. Insufficient
    2. Expanded
    3. Profound
    4. Numerous
    5. Verbose
    (A. Insufficient) Redundant means superfluous, extra, unneeded. But insufficient means not enough.

    1. skeptical
    2. orthodox
    3. unorthodox
    4. ethereal
    5. insincere
    (B. orthodox) Heretical means challenging conventional beliefs. Choice A skeptical means inclined not to believe. Choice B orthodox means to accept conventional beliefs. Choice C unorthodox means unconventional. Choice D ethereal means light and delicate or heavenly. Choice E insincere means hypocritical, not sincere.
  11. NOVEL

    1. fictional
    2. poetic
    3. ordinary
    4. narrative
    5. peerless
    (C. ordinary) Novel means new or unique. Fictional means made up or fabricated. Poetic means elegant or musical. Ordinary means common or everyday. Narrative means related to a story. Peerless means unique.

    1. mandate
    2. intoxicant
    3. life
    4. euthanasia
    5. gloom
    (E. gloom.) Euphoria means a feeling of well-being or elation. Choice A mandate means an order or command. Choice B intoxicant means a mind-altering substance. Choice D euthanasia means mercy killing. Choice E gloom means sadness or depression.

    1. pliable
    2. facetious
    3. evident
    4. intangible
    5. careful
    (D. intangible) Palpable means easily perceived, obvious, tangible. Choice A pliable means flexible, easily influenced. Choice B facetious means intending to be funny. Choice D intangible means not tangible.

    1. iridescent
    2. cooperative
    3. irregular
    4. commensurate
    5. devilish
    (B. cooperative) Irascible means quarrelsome or hot-tempered. Choice A iridescent means giving off a rainbow glow. Choice B cooperative means agreeable or easygoing. Choice D commensurate means proportionate. Choice E devilish means evil or sinister.
  15. IRONIC

    1. literary
    2. figurative
    3. analogous
    4. mysterious
    5. literal
    (E. literal) Ironic means using words to express the opposite of their literal meaning. Choice B figurative means metaphoric, a kind of literary comparison. Choice C analogous means a resemblance between two things that are otherwise unlike. Choice E literal means exact or verbatim.

    1. racist
    2. gourmet
    3. crass
    4. popular
    5. segregated
    (C. crass) Discriminating means being able to make fine distinctions. Choice C crass means gross, being unable to make fine distinctions.
  17. ORNERY

    1. with many faults
    2. odorless
    3. agreeable in disposition
    4. fetid
    5. highly decorated
    (C. agreeable in disposition) Ornery means disagreeable, mean, crotchety. The adjective fetid, choice D, means noisome, stinking.

    1. self-indulgent
    2. on the dole
    3. self-sacrificing
    4. off the mark
    5. self-satisfied
    (A. self-indulgent) Abstemious means self-denying, temperate.

    1. probation
    2. guilt
    3. disapproval
    4. disavowal
    5. disaffected
    (C. disapproval) Approbation means approval. Choice A probation is a period of time for examination or evaluation. Choice C disapproval means objection, and is the opposite of approbation. Choice D disavowal means a denial of responsibility. Choice E disaffection means discontent.

    1. grounded
    2. raised
    3. excited
    4. subterranean
    5. moody
    (D. subterranean.) Elevated means above the ground. Choice A grounded means connected to the earth. Choice D subterranean means beneath the surface.

Solved Examples Set 1
Solved Examples Set 2
Solved Examples Set 3