#include #include class student{ //student class // student class attributes // Access specifier is by default private int ID; char * name; public:// public acccess specifier // student class functions/ operations void login(); bool Select(); void read(); }; // end of student class // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** class topic{ // topic class //topic class attributes // Access specifier is by default private int ID; char * title; public: // public access specifier // topic class functions/ operations void add(); void remove(); bool select(); void search(); void View(); void print(); void download(); };// end of topic class // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** class SubTopic: public topic { // Inheritance relationship b/w topic and sub topic // Attributes of SubTopic class // Access specifier is by default private int SubID; }; // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** class Lesson{ // Lesson class // Lesson class attributes // Access specifier is by default private int ID; topic * title;//aggregation relationship b/w lessons and topic int NoOfLessons; public:// public access specifier // Lesson class functions/ operations void add(); void remove(); bool select(); void search(); void View(); void print(); void download(); };// end of Lesson class // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** class course{ //course class //Attributes of course class char * code; topic title; //composition relationship b/w Course and topic char * courseName; int duration; Lesson NoOfLessons;//composition relationship b/w Course and Lesson public:// public access specifier //course class functions/operations void add(); bool select(); void View(); void read(); };// end of course class // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** class StudyProgram{ // StudyProgram class //Attributes of StudyProgram // Access specifier is by default private char * Code; char * title; char * ProgramName; course duration; //composition relationship b/w StudyProgram and course public:// public access specifier bool select(); char * ViewCourseList; };// end of StudyProgram class // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** class portal {// portal class //Attributes of portal class //Access specifier is by default private int NoOfStudyProgram; int selectedPrograms; int selectedCourse; StudyProgram * code;//aggregation relationship b/w portal and StudyProgram StudyProgram * title;//aggregation relationship b/w portal and StudyProgram public://public access specifier // portal class functions/ operations void add(); void remove(); bool select(); void search(); void View(); void print(); void download(); };// end of portal class // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // ********************************************************************