In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficient, the most merciful

Some Types of Relationships

The more practice you have working on analogy problems, the more quickly you’ll recognize some of the common relationships. Some relationships are given below. There are many other possibilities as well.

CLASSIFICATIONS: sorts, kinds, general to specific, specific to general, thing to quality or characteristic, opposites, degree, and so on.

A broad category is paired with a narrower category.

RODENT :SQUIRREL ::fish :flounder
(broad category)(narrow category)(broad category)(narrow category)

A person is paired with a characteristic.

GIANT :BIGNESS ::baby :helplessness

The general is paired with the specific.

PERSON :BOY ::vehicle :bus

A word is paired with a synonym of itself.

VACUOUS :EMPTY ::seemly :fit

A word is paired with an antonym of itself.

SLAVE :FREEMAN ::desolate :joyous

A word is paired with a definition of itself.

ASSEVERATE :AFFIRM ::segregate :separate

A male is paired with a female.

COLT :FILLY ::buck :doe

A family relationship is paired with a similar family relationship.

FATHER :SON ::uncle :nephew
(family relationship)(family relationship)(family relationship)(family relationship)

A virtue is paired with a failing.

FORTITUDE :COWARDICE ::honesty :dishonesty

An element is paired with a greater degree.

WIND :TORNADO ::water :flood

A lesser degree is paired with a greater degree.

HAPPY :ECSTATIC ::warm :hot

The plural is paired with the singular.

WE :I ::they :he

STRUCTURALS: part to whole, whole to part, part to part, and so on.

A part is paired with a whole.

LEG :BODY ::wheel :car

A whole is paired with a part.

TABLE :LEGS ::building :foundation

OPERATIONALS: time sequence, operations, stages, phases, beginning to ending, before to after, and so on.

One element of time is paired with another element of time.

DAY :NIGHT ::sunrise :sunset
(time element)(time element)(time element)(time element)

A time-sequence relationship is expressed.

START :FINISH ::birth :death

A complete operation is paired with a stage.

FOOTBALL GAME :QUARTER ::baseball game :inning

OVERLAPPING: Many analogies will overlap into more than one of the preceding basic types and will have to be analyzed by their purpose, use, cause-andeffect relationship, and so on.

A user is paired with his or her tool.

FARMER :HOE ::dentist :drill

A creator is paired with a creation.

ARTIST :PICTURE ::poet :poem

A cause is paired with its effect.

CLOUD :RAIN ::sun :heat

A person is paired with his/her profession.

TEACHER :EDUCATION ::doctor :medicine

An instrument is paired with a function it performs.

CAMERA :PHOTOGRAPHY ::yardstick :measurement

A symbol is paired with an institution.

FLAG :GOVERNMENT ::cross :Christianity

A reward is paired with an action.

MEDAL :BRAVERY ::trophy :outstanding play

An object is paired with an obstacle that hinders it.

AIRPLANE :FOG ::car :rut

Something is paired with a need that it satisfies.

WATER :THIRST ::food :hunger

Something is paired with its natural medium.

SHIP :WATER ::airplane :air
(thing)(natural medium)(thing)(natural medium)

Something is paired with something else that can operate it.

DOOR :KEY ::safe :combination

An object is paired with the material of which it is made.

COAT :WOOL ::dress :cotton

NOTE: Many of these relationships can be presented in a negative rather than a positive sequence. For example, instead of a pair of words denoting an effect and its cause, you might encounter the negation of this relationship, an effect coupled with something that cannot be its cause. For example:


“Happiness is not the effect of depression in the same way as peacefulness is not the effect of stress.” The relationship here may be represented as EFFECT : (-)CAUSE, using the minus sign to indicate the negative element in the pair.